Bulletproof blog
I’ve had an interesting few weeks fixing my blog. It was hacked. I suspect – though I have no direct proof – through my domain host CPanel account. Reading around…
I’ve had an interesting few weeks fixing my blog. It was hacked. I suspect – though I have no direct proof – through my domain host CPanel account. Reading around…
Thanks to the new Onswipe WordPress plugin this weblog is even more iPad friendly. Onswipe detects when a site is being viewed by an iPad and substitutes a nice looking…
First post from the new iPhone WordPress application. Looks like a nice little app.
Does anyone know if there’s a weblog client, ideally for Mac, that supports WordPress custom fields? I’ve tried popular editors such as Ecto and MarsEdit but I’ve not yet found…
If you’d like to geotag you WordPress posts you can do so using my Technotags plugin. The plugin does two things. It allows you to add metadata to your posts…
I’ve updated my Technotags WordPress plugin to v1.1. You can now add Google search links as well as tags to each WP post. Increasingly I wanted to be able to…