An updated version of the assetManager tool now handles video clips so let's see those video moblogs! I've only tried posting video clips from my Nokia 7650 so in this first beta version only the 3GP video format is supported at a default frame size of 128×96 pixels, however a preference in the assetManager allows you to edit the HTML code that embeds your video clips. I'm keen to try out other video phone file formats so please let me know if you have any problems using your phone or moblogging device with this version of the tool. If you need a 3GP video player then I can recommend QuickTime though other video player software such as Real Player works fine too.
For those of you new to mobile blogging, basically you can post to your weblog from anywhere you happen to be, you're not restricted to sitting at your computer. Weblog posts are typically sent as an email message using mobile phones, PDAs or other devices. If you have a camera phone you can post pictures and video clips by sending them as an attachment to your moblog email message. There are a number of good weblogs following mobile blogging developments including and sites such as Text America host hundreds of moblogs.
Here's my mobile blogging how-to guide, written a little while ago but still relevant.