I’m now using Ecto to post to this weblog. Since moving to WordPress I’ve found it much easier to manage my weblog even though I’ve been using the WP web forms to do so. After reading many recommendations I’ve decided to give Ecto a try as a desktop weblog editing tool. It seems to integrate quite well with my desktop media such as pictures and music stored in iPhoto and iTunes respectively. If this works you should see a picture from my iPhoto library (a recent trip to Wagamama) and the track I’m currently listening to (Good Fortune from the album ‘Stories From The City, Stories’ by PJ Harvey). Nice.
[Update] Hey cool, Ecto even has a built-in method of creating Technorati tags.
Technorati Tags: ecto, wagamama
That is just a beta site. … I still use Mars Edit. It does fine for all of my weblogs, and they have recommenced development, and I am expecting good things, but beta is as they say, a quiet partner.
Hi Jack, MarsEdit is a great product and I used it happily for a while but it’s development has languished a little too long. I know it has been picked up again recently and like you I’m expecting the next release will be a leap forward. But for now I found that Ecto is giving me the features I need. Weblog editing is moving pretty fast so I keep looking out for the best tools. Thanks to XML-RPC and stable blogging APIs thankfully I can move from one tool to another relatively easily.
Howdy David-
Yes ecto truly rocks. I have been a fan for a long time, and use it to publish to several WordPress, MovableType, and Blogger sites.
There are more features that you think now- the custom HTML chortcuts, the preview (which you can link to your actual blog stylesheet). I really like the ability to drag and drop an image in, and then select from my own presets for the ways I display images (thumbnails aligned right, larger images center aligned, etc); the built in Amazon searches that return the correct link and image for a book title.
I find it 3 times as efficient timewise than waiting for the web editor screens to process and reload.
Nice to see you have moved to WordPress as well 😉