Updated: 24/9/05; 10:39:25
 Monday, February 24, 2003

A few important updates to the assetManager tool this evening. Thanks to help from JY Stervinou the mailtoblog feature can now properly accept multipart MIME messages. This has dramatically enhanced the assetManager's feature set. You can now email your blog a picture using just about any email client, yes, including Apple Mail!

Mailtoblog features now in assetManager v0.992:

  1. Email to your weblog home page plus any of your weblog categories.
  2. Email one or more pictures to your weblog.
  3. Email HTML formatted posts to your weblog.
  4. Mix HTML formatted weblog posts with pictures!
  5. All assetManager mailtoblog events are logged in your weblog events window so you know what's going on.

Thanks to everyone who's provided feedback over the past few weeks.

NB For those who use the Apple Mail client please note Mail does not send HTML email, only RTF. RTF support for the assetManager is coming soon! And don't forget pictures work just fine when sent from the Mail app.

Get your copy of the assetManager tool here.

Posted 1:02:58 AM - comment []