David Davies' Radio Weblog
Here's a mobile weblog how to guide. Mobile blogging is easy to set up and can be a lot of fun, just use your imagination.
On March 1st 2001 I posted my first public message to my weblog using a mobile phone. A week later I blogged my way through a football match while in the crowd, again using my phone. Hey, I even managed to blog from inside a plane, though only after the seat-belt lights had come on of course. This technology was very simple and has been available to users for a couple of years. In fact emailing to a weblog predates that by another half year. Back in September 2000 a bunch of people collaborated to create this weblog page.
Now I read that the BBC predicts "People will soon be able to publish their own website via their phones as blogging goes mobile." That's so old hat I'm actually using my mobile to make phone calls now. Realtime voice exchange. It's the future. You saw it here first.
A few important updates to the assetManager tool this evening. Thanks to help from JY Stervinou the mailtoblog feature can now properly accept multipart MIME messages. This has dramatically enhanced the assetManager's feature set. You can now email your blog a picture using just about any email client, yes, including Apple Mail!
Mailtoblog features now in assetManager v0.992:
- Email to your weblog home page plus any of your weblog categories.
- Email one or more pictures to your weblog.
- Email HTML formatted posts to your weblog.
- Mix HTML formatted weblog posts with pictures!
- All assetManager mailtoblog events are logged in your weblog events window so you know what's going on.
Thanks to everyone who's provided feedback over the past few weeks.
NB For those who use the Apple Mail client please note Mail does not send HTML email, only RTF. RTF support for the assetManager is coming soon! And don't forget pictures work just fine when sent from the Mail app.
A short piece on using reusable learning objects (RLOs). Not so much a dialectic on the use of RLOs but more a late night discussion between friends.
Last year I wrote a piece suggesting that search engines should have instant access to new weblog posts rather than have to wait until the next time the host site was crawled. In this way up to the minute global news would be available, not just syndicated 'official' news but my news and your news, often the news that makes a story that little bit more human. Anyway, I ended the piece with a challenge to Google. And guess what, they just bought Pyra, the company that makes Blogger. Interesting, what will they do with it?
Make sure you don't miss the next ed tech conference by using my comprehensive medical education and educational technology news feed service. The aggregator is searchable enabling you to find just what you're looking for.
Should have mentioned this earlier. The Learning and Teaching Support Network subject centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine is co-hosting a breaking boundries conference in Manchester next week. The conference will feature key speakers from the NHS University, CETIS, UK eUniversities Worldwide, AMEE and the LTSN Generic Centre. Should be an interesting meeting. Maybe see you there.