I was presenting at a very interesting JISC CETIS meeting at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow yesterday. More about that later. But the news today is that a Jeep Cherokee was apparently deliberately set on fire and crashed into the main entrance of the airport, the very door that I had walked through less than 24 hours earlier. I knew I was taking a chance talking about repositories at a CETIS Metadata and Digital Repositories meeting, but I had felt that my talk had gone down better than that 😉
More worryingly I was also giving a presentation in London on Thursday, the day they found two cars packed with explosives elsewhere in the city. I hope it’s not my presentation skills that are triggering this wave of attacks. Thankfully though nobody has been hurt in either incident.
Definitely not a reflection on your Glasgow talk!
I thought your presentation on IVIMEDS was excellent and highly relevant. We are IntraLibrary users and currently experimenting with RSS and SRU to provide different ways of delivering our content. We have also made some tentative exploration of Yahoo Pipes. We’ll take a closer look now.
We’re quite inspired to do more.
Best wishes
Ian Watson
SIESWE (Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education)
I hope the Government can’t track your movements via mobile phone, you might end up in an orange jump suit before you know it! 😀