As the chair of governors at our school I can't emphasize the importance of training. Becoming a school governor can be a daunting challenge and many people wonder what they've let themselves in for after the first couple of meetings. It's not just all the complexities of running a busy school, but also all the regulations, procedures and legislature. No school expects its governors to be experts in complex area such as finance but it does expect its governors to be accountable as governors are the representatives of parents and other stakeholders in the school. Training can help new governors quickly get up to speed on the details of running a school and can also help established governors keep up to date. More importantly training sessions are a great way of meeting other governors and finding out that everyone was as scared a you at their first meeting!
If you are a Sandwell governor the latest training programme should have been posted to you. If you've not yet received a copy there are details on the Sandwell governor's web site. Another good source of training information as well as a great place to meet other governors online is GovernorNet.