Updated: 24/9/05; 10:50:05
 Sunday, September 14, 2003

I've just added a couple of long overdue features to the assetManager tool. You can now add titles to your mobile weblog posts when posting via email from your mobile phone, laptop or whatever. A secret subject word in the subject line of your post routes the post to a category in your weblog (yes, the assetManger tool has allowed post to categories for a while). Simply add the title you want for your post after this secret subject in your mobile post email. Once the secret subject is recognized it's automatically stripped from the email subject line and whatever is left becomes the title of your post. Simple. And straightforward when posting from something fiddly like a mobile phone.

The other feature is one I should have had in the tool since the start. Attached photos are now added to a date-ordered directory hierarchy. This not only makes it easier to organize your uploaded pictures but also prevents you overwriting pictures with the same file name uploaded on different days.

To get these latest features just refresh the code in your copy of the tool. Please only refresh if you're happy working with beta software. I'm changing quite a few things in the tool's scripts and don't want to be responsible for breaking your system. The latest version is stable and works on my machine so there's no obvious bugs. I've also tested it with a number of email clients on PCs and Macs as well as mobile phones but not exhaustively. If you have a configuration that doesn't work for whatever reason please let me know. Confirmed working clients are PC Outlook (Win 98 and 2000), Mac Outlook Express (OS 9 and X), Apple Mail (OS X), Nokia 7650 and Sony Ericsson T68i.

Coming soon. Cross platform thumbnails. Yes, it is possible ;-)

Happy moblogging!

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