Updated: 24/9/05; 10:45:52
 Sunday, July 20, 2003

I've started a weblog for school governors. I've been a governor for two years and have been chair of a board of governors at a UK primary school this last year. I'm still finding out what it takes to be an effective governor so have decided to share what I know. If you are a governor, would like to become a governor of are just interested to find out what governors do then please get in touch.
Posted 11:27:15 PM - comment []

For today at least I am allegedly new and interesting as somehow I managed to top the Technorati new and interesting blog list. Make the most of me while you can.

The serious side to this is a new and interesting (sic) feature of Technorati that attempts to provide a ranked list of bloggers that gets away from the usual criteria for such a list e.g number of incoming links that tends to generate a fairly static list of the top bloggers. It's not always the top bloggers that have the most interesting posts so a way of ranking blogs with a moderate number of incoming links that are actively posting interesting content seems like a good thing. The clever folk at Technorati have devised some algorithms to rank less well known blogs to give them some air time. More about the technical side of this new way of ranking blogs including a discussion of the maths behind the system can be found on David Sifry's weblog.

And as for me, it's unlikely that I'll remain new for any length of time but I can at least try to remain interesting.

Posted 11:39:40 AM - comment []